Preston Celebrates World Book Day 2017
Preston International School joins the world in the celebration of WORLD BOOK DAY.
Presentations were made about renowned authors and those who have changed the world through their literary skills during the course of the assembly this morning. Names such as Williams Shakespeare, Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Wole Soyinka, Ted Dekker, Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, Ayi Kwei Amah were mentioned and a form of quizzing the audience ensued. Here, a prefect stands in front of the assembly to ask about authors of certain books by describing characteristics related to that author or the book and the audience have to provide the name of the author.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “When you stop learning, you are old, whether @ 20 or 80”. Another wise man said, “When you stop reading, you stop growing; and when you stop growing, you start dying”. These students have made a decision not to relent in learning but rather up their hunger for knowledge. Make reading a life style!
Check out the pictures here.